Sense of humor Vows | USA

Christian Wedding Vows traditional, sense of humor wedding vows, Christian Wedding Vows traditional, wedding vows Christian, wedding vows funny, wedding vows meaningful, are discussed
If you read further and finish the article you will be able to think about comical, traditional and a more earnest, solemn version of the wedding vows.

Click here for a sample of traditional prelude music (played while guests are being seated)

However, let’s talk first talk about the Pledge.  It is when the couple will make declarations of their intentions to the gathering or witnesses.  It is detailed HERE.  These “pledge” words are demanded in the civil part of the marriage ceremony.  They actually make the marriage act legal. 

of bride and groom
Legality of Marriage

Before the commencement of the S. African Matrimonial Property Act in 1984, there were only two options in which a male and a female could be married: marriage in community of property and marriage out of community of property.  After this date, another system was introduced to out of community of property marriages.  Each state in the USA has something similar.  Before the marriage the parties must decide on a couple of issues.  Do you want to be married in or out of community of property.  (Most USA states don't give an option)  It's an important decision, since it cannot be done after the marriage without approaching the High Court.  There are consequences for Breach of Promise of Marriage. 

of bride and groom
Now let’s take a look at vows . . .

The Rufus and Rita vows:

Rufus: “I, Rufus, take you, Rita, to be my wife, my partner in life roller coaster, and my one everlasting love. I will cherish our friendship and love you this day, any and all other days, and until the moment I die. I will always giggle with you and only certain occasions at you. When I do chuckle at you, if it is among others, I will do my best to manifest the illusion that it is with you – not at you.

“I promise to be there with you through the toughest of the trials in our life and to shed tears with you. These moments do not include things like YouTube footage of soldiers being reunited with their youngsters.
You’re letting the tears flow on your own with those.

“I vow to love you through the difficult and the painless. I promise to seldom put you or me in danger. This means that I will never come between you and your reflection in a mirror. I will also never force you to eat hot, spicy food with me as I did on one of our first dates. I later found out that you were biting your cheeks the whole night.
of bride and groom
“What I admire most about you is your determination. But stamping your feet when you don’t get your way is no longer cute after age nine.
Seriously, you need to stop that behavior.

“I look forward to being a married man and starting a new episode in my life. First, I will no longer refer to it as ‘my life event,’ but ‘ours.’ I look forward to being the best father I can be and helping you to be the best mother.

“This is my solemn vow to you today as I make you my wife.”

“Rufus, you make loving so wonderfully easy. First, you’re the best roomie I’ve ever had. Living in fun-times, sin, without our parents’ knowledge or blessing, was totally worth it. I know now you are able to deal with my annoying habits. And I’ve come to the realization that you have very few. You pick up my half-empty, dirty coffee cups that I leave around the house, you make me Eggs Benedict for breakfast on the weekends, and you always know where I left my cell phone and keys are when I go into full panic mode and scream that someone stole them.

“With you I have learned to take it slow and easy, although I could have imagined getting to this altar a little faster. When we met, all I felt was that you made me laugh hysterically and you had a dorky, precious look, which I thought was hot.  Time has allowed me to see your true colors. You’re loving, sensitive, kind, generous, an insomniac, and a lover of daily man baths and Doberman dogs.

“I promise with all my heart to love you when times are good and bad. When you’re sore and irritable on Monday from sitting the same position all day during Sunday football, when men hit on you as you walk my Bichon Frise, and when you need someone to depend on when work gets tough, I will always be your chickadee.

“When I’m frightened, you make me feel safe. When I’m upset, you make me smile. There has been no day where we haven’t laughed together. I don’t ever want there to be one.

“I take you to be my husband, the father of my little rascals, and best, understanding friend until death do us part. Just stay away from home for one week per month!”

Traditional version:  Here, the groom takes the bride's right hand with his right, solid hand, and says, after the Minister: 

I, _______, take you _______, to be my wedded wife; And I do promise and covenant; before God and these witnesses; to be your loving and faithful husband; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health; as long as we both shall live.

Then the bride takes the groom's right hand with her right, loving hand, and says likewise after the Minister:

I, _______, take you, _______, to be my wedded husband; and I do promise and covenant; before God and these witnesses; to be your loving and faithful wife; in plenty and in want; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness and in health; as long as we both shall live.

Obey?  Submit?  
It means if a women is blessed to have a husband that puts God first, she should in turn respect his (her husbands) opinions, even if she might not agree with him at the present time. Like if they have a difference of opinion she would accept his 'last say' on the matter and do as he say's. When a man puts God first they cannot go wrong.

of bride and groom
Oh yes, that’s right we have to read the whole scripture to get the entire concept. The husband is responsible for his wife as God is responsible for the Church.  It is not a 'one-sided' thing. The husband has to prove himself worthy of the wife's submission or obeyance. The husband must have God as his leader.  That's why so many brides and grooms are choosing to write their own vows and modernize the pledge!  Another wedding vows serious consideration or sample!

Wedding Articles: Marriage Legalities | Parts to the Ceremony and church prelude music | Vows to think about | Costs/Budget | Wedding Timeline | Wedding Party Do/Don't | Theme Ideas | Reception Timeline | Tips/Hair Updo Ideas | All in one Invitation | Special Awesome Invitations

Wedding Vows are so important - thanks for this idea and the COMPATIBLE TEST! Charlise Rating: 9 out of 10